4 Ways to Start 2023 Sustainably

4 Ways to Start 2023 Sustainably


1 - Write Your Eco Goals

Whatever your eco goals are, whether it is ditching single-use cups, choosing to bike or bus once a week or curating a plastic-free cleaning cupboard, write them down and put them somewhere you will see every day. This will help you start the year intentionally and keep the motivation going long term.

2 - Mini Waste Audit

This might sound weird but we promise it is the best way to really understand your consumption! 1. Store your landfill waste for a week or even a month and then inspect it. 2. Lay it all out on a clean surface and group the items into categories. 3. From there you can figure out what waste you make the most of and focus on replacements for those items first.  For more eco swap ideas check out our choices checklist 

3 - Choose to Reuse

With awareness about our national and global waste issues growing, the government is making plans to phase out plastics and single use items. Getting used to using reusables basically means you are getting ahead of the game and of course, helping save the planet in the meantime too! Keeping an eco tool kit handy this summer will help build the habit for a lifetime. Start with a simple canvas bag (our Grocery Tote is super sturdy with lots of pockets) with an insulated Tumbler, Spork, jar or Stainless Container.

4 - Support Local

One really positive thing that came out of covid lockdowns was the support local movement. We mean this in all aspects too. Local food, local artists, local clothes makers, local menders, you name it! Choosing to support the local economy is basically supporting your local community. Not only is this beneficial financially but also is a more environmental choice as products don't travel as far to get to you.
There is lots to look forward to in 2023... Stay tuned for more info and more epic sustainability tips this year!
Stunner photo by @Annabel_emery


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