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How To Love The Planet This Summer

How To Love The Planet This Summer

Summer… summer… summer… summer!


This summer at CaliWoods we’re focusing on letting our hair down, while continuing to protect and respect the environment. Our summer adventures are all thanks to the planet, so why not say thanks back?

Join us in loving on the planet this summer?

Here’s Our Top 9 Summer Eco Tips:

1. Say no to the wrap: crunch a cone

A plastic wrapped ice cream versus a kiwi classic scoop (or two!) in a cone, is a no brainer. Try your best to make it through summer without leaving a plastic ice cream wrapper trail behind you. Pop into stores who have real ice cream available, and test your taste buds on a sorbet if you’ve joined in with Veganuary, or have 2020 goals to reduce your dairy consumption (read more here).

Can’t eat the cone due to dietary requirements? This is when your reusable coffee mug becomes your new ice cream bowl!

Ice cream

2. Utilise nature’s free air conditioning

Open the doors, stretch out the windows, and press the off button on your air con. Summer is your chance to drop those house bills and make the most of the fresh summer breeze. We’re not demanding you turn your air con off completely (this heat can get unbearable!), simply be mindful of your air con use, and try nature’s free option before reaching for the remote.

3. Travel with your mates

Don’t be that guy who drives solo and misses out on the carpool banter! Make sure every seat is filled, wherever you travel.

4. Lights? Nah, you’ve got the sun!

How lucky are we to have sunlight until 9pm!? Don’t stick to your habits of turning the house lights on at a certain time. Use the daylight, lap up the sun, and (as you should do all year round) turn lights off when you leave a room. Why waste electricity when there’s a beautiful free light bulb on just outside your window?

5. Eat locally grown

Juicy watermelons, fresh strawberries, and golden peaches are just a few of the treasures New Zealand summer serves up every year. Make the most of these delicacies. Watch out for the ‘New Zealand’ label at the fruit store, or purchase from your local farmer’s market (make sure you double check if they are selling local produce there; sometimes the fruit stalls import produce from overseas too).


6. Slip, slop, eco-slap, and wrap

Staying in the shade and wearing a hat is always the best idea, but when you’re like us and want to catch some sick waves and frolic in the water, you’ll need some eco-friendly sunscreen.

Eco-friendly sunscreen has grown in popularity, and even places, like Hawaii, have made it compulsory for sunscreen brands to be reef friendly. Reef friendly means the sunscreen does not contain harsh chemicals that disturb and destroy reefs, and the rest of the important marine wildlife.

Although we’re not always swimming around reefs in New Zealand, it’s still important for us to protect our own fragile marine ecosystems, and acknowledge the ocean ecosystem as a whole. We are never isolated from reefs, even if they’re far away.

Avoid using sunscreens that contain these ingredients: oxybenzone, octinoxate, petrolatum, and titanium dioxide. Opt for a plastic free, natural, and SPF certified sunscreen that protects the reefs, but still keeps your skin safe under the sun (Frankie Apothecary is a great start!).

7. Rock your reusables

Hot & Cold Tumbler? Check. Drink bottle? Got it. Straw? Yip. Food container? Heck yes. Reusable Cutlery? Packed.

Wherever you go, whatever you do (off to a festival? More eco-ideas here!), pack your reusables and you’ll be away laughing. Summertime is all about spontaneity and last minute adventures with the crew. If you’re not prepared, you may find yourself in a plastic filled pickle. Rock your reusables with pride!

8. Take 3 for the sea

The ocean gives us endless fun during summer time. Take 3 For The Sea initiative encourages picking up three pieces of rubbish before you leave the beach! This is the least we can do to give back. Make sure you take home every single piece of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, and pick up at least three pieces of someone else’s rubbish too. This doesn’t have to turn into a full beach clean up (though that’s a great summer activity!), but if everyone does their part, our beaches and marine life will be far better off.


9. Get your waste sorted

Use the New Year start to sort out your waste. Put in place new ideas for waste-free lunches, and prepare the bins you need to sort everything properly. We recommend checking up on the updated waste and recycling rules from your local council.

Here's where to go if you're in a main city:





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  • Sara on

    Love this post! Simple tips that are shareable! Thanks Shay & Cali-woods team!

  • Vicki P on

    Thanks for this. Great little reminder about our role as kaitiaki-guardians of the planet.

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